


Editorial Requirements

Papers in English will be subject to the blind review procedure, and those that receive a positive editorial review will be published in a scientific journal "Problems of Social Policy. Research and Discussions ", in accordance with publishing requirements.

Papers in Polish will be published as part of post-conference publications (co-author monograph).

We only accept texts that are previously unpublished or  submitted for publication elsewhere, in part or in whole, in other journals or books, in both printed or digital version.

Information for participants of the ESPAnet Poland 2019 conference on the terms of publishing articles in the quarterly "Problems of Social Policy. Studies and Discussions”

·       The editorial team accepts articles written in English. There is a possibility of publication in the electronic version of the journal in two languages - English and Polish -  (The text in Polish language should be similar to the English version. The translation should be proofreading by a native speaker).

  • One scientific article can have no more than 3 authors.

  • Authors of submitted texts should provide their affiliation, postal address, e-mail  and ORCID number.

  • Initial evaluation and selection of articles before sending them to the editorial office is carried out by the qualification commission, in which a representative of the "Social Policy Problems" editorial office participates. Handing over the article to the editorial office does not mean qualifying it for printing.

  • The article must meet all the editorial requirements described on the magazine's website:

  • The procedure for accepting texts for printing includes the following stages:

  1. initial assessment by the qualification committee established by the conference organizers - as a result, the article may be forwarded to the editor or not qualified for further editorial work;

  2. initial assessment and editorial evaluation carried out by members of the "Social Policy Problems" editorial board, including checking in the anti-plagiarism system and assessment of linguistic correctness - at this stage the article may be accepted for further work or sent back to the author/s with a request for corrections or rejected;

  3. submission by the author/s the authorship claim (to be downloaded from:;

  4. submitting the article for review in the so-called a double "hidden" review (description of the reviewing procedure available at:;

  5. applying corrections by the author/s (including comments from the assessment and / or - statistical editor) or rejection by the editors of the text which received unfavourable reviews;;

  6. text authorization after language checking by the content editor;

  7. signing the agreement about transfer of copyright free of charge;

  8. publication ( in 2020).


Labor et Educatio

Labor et Educatio is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the Institute of Social Work at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, published annually.

Instructions for Authors

Editorial guidelines for authors:
• Authors are strongly encouraged to compose their papers in Microsoft Word text editor (best in the latest version of the Office suite, the file extension should be .docx).
• Please, use the Times New Roman fonts, size 12, spacing 1.5, justified text.
• Please, do not use bold or scattered fonts.
• The text should contain subheadings.
• The paper should be complete with an abstract in Polish and English, 3 to 5 key words in Polish and English and an English translation of the title.
• Beginning with issue 4/2016, the APA (American Psychological Association) editing standard is observed at Labor et Educatio with regard to footnotes or endnotes (in the form of bibliographical references) and lists of references.

The referencing pattern:

a) publication by 1 author:

Author’s surname (date) text.
Example: Kowalski (2010) argues that…
A recent study indicates that… (Kowalski, 2010).

b) publication by 2 authors:

Surnames of both authors must always be given, along with the date of publication.
Example: As suggested by Kowalski and Nowak (2014)…

A recent study indicates that… (Kowalski, Nowak, 2014).

c) publication by 3-5 authors:

When referencing the study for the first time, surnames of all the authors should be given, divided by commas, with the conjunction ‘and’ between the last two surnames.
Example: As suggested by Nowak, Kowalski and Kliś (2014)…
A recent study indicates that (Nowak, Kowalski and Kliś, 2014) …
In subsequent references to the same study, the phrase ‘and others’ (‘et al.’) can be used.

d) publication by 6 or more authors:

Only the surname of the first author should be mentioned, both when the study is cited for the first time and in subsequent references.

e) when referencing several studies, these should be enumerated alphabetically according to the author’s surname;

f) when referencing several studies by the same author, published in the same year, ‘a, b, c…’ should be added to the year.
Bibliography/List of references

The references should be listed alphabetically.

The pattern for creating a bibliographic entry:
a) for a book
Surname(s) of the author(s), I. (year). Title of the book. Place of publishing: Publisher;
e.g. Pikuła, N.G. (2015). Poczucie sensu życia osób starszych. Inspiracje do edukacji
w starości. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.

b) for an edited book:
Surname(s), I (ed.) (year). Title of the book. Place of publishing: Publisher;
e.g. Gerlach, R. Kulpa-Puszczyńska, A. Tomaszewska-Lipiec, R. (ed.) (2008). Wybrane problemy pedagogiki pracy w aspekcie przygotowania do pracy. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego.

c) for a chapter in a collective work:
Surname(s), I. (year). Title of the chapter. In: Surnames (ed.), Title of the book (pagination of the chapter). Place of publication, Publisher.
Waloszek, D. (2005). Przedszkole jako podstawa szkoły promującej rozwój człowieka.
In: J. Kuma, J. Morbitzer (ed.), Edukacja – szkoła – nauczyciele: promowanie rozwoju dziecka, (pp. 184-191). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej.

d) for an article in a periodical:
Surname(s), I (year). Title of the article/paper. Title of the periodical, volume no., pagination of the article/paper.
Furmanek, W. (2015). Problematyka języka pedagogiki (pracy). Labor et Educatio, 3/2015, 11-30.
If an article has a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier), this should be given at the end of the bibliographic entry.

e) internet sources:
Surname(s), I (year). Title of the article/paper. Title of the periodical, volume (no.), pagination. Retrieved from: here, enter the URL of the website.
If the cited text is on a website and is not anarticle in a periodical, a chapter in a book or a book, the entry should include the author, the date of publication, title as well as information on the website from which the text was retrieved.

Papers sent to the Labor et Educatio journal should have the following structure:
1. First name and surname of the author
2. Author’s affiliation
3. Title of the paper in Polish
4. Title of the paper in English
5. The body of the text divided into subheadings
6. Abstract in Polish
7. Key words in Polish
8. Abstract in English
9. Key words in English
10. References

For more information:

Labor et Educatio

Labor et Educatio is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the Institute of Social Work at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, published annually.



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