ESPAnet Poland 2019
The 6th International Conference of Social Policy ESPAnet Poland 2019 will take place in Warsaw, 26-27 September 2019. The conference is open to people from different scientific disciplines who want to share their knowledge and experience in the field of social policy. The organizers invite everyone who is willing to take part in plenary sessions, discussion panels and to give a lecture.
The conference is organized by the Department of Social Policy at Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University, PTPS Polish Society of Social Policy and partners (ECOISTITUTO, RTA, INCLUDE, MANRA). Educational Partner of the Conference is ZUS.
The conference fee is 120 EURO or 550 PLN (participation without publication), 150 EURO or 680 PLN (participation with the publication). The conference price includes conference materials, the cost of publication, a gala dinner and dinner(s) during the conference, and a coffee break.
Accommodation and other costs are the expenses of the participant.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. J. Auleytner - Honorary Chair of the Conference
Prof. M. Grewiński - Chair of the conference
Prof. G. Marzano - Vice-chair of the conference
Prof. dr hab. Norbert G. Pikuła (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Prof. dr hab. Świtała Ireneusz Marian (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
dr J. Lizut - Substantive conference coordinator
dr hab. Durasiewicz Arkadiusz
dr Delikowska Katarzyna
dr Zasada Chorab Anna
dr Kawa Marek
prof.Velta Lubkina (RTA, Łotwa)
prof. Svetlana Usca (RTA, Łotwa)
prof. Dr & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić (UNINETTUNO University in Rome Italy)
prof. Dr Ibrahim Jusufranić (IUT, Travnik, BiH)
dr Andromachi Nanou (INCLUDE, Thessaloniki, Grecja)
dr Damaskinidis George Semiotics (INCLUDE, Thessaloniki,Grecja)
dr Luis Ochoa Siguencia (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach)
dr Dorzhenko Tatiana (National Pedagogical University V.A. Sukckomlinsky)
dr Siekko Iryna (National Pedagogical University V.A. Sukckomlinsky)
dr Sokolovska Aleksandra (National Pedagogical University V.A. Sukckomlinsky)
dr Vertuhine Valentina (Uniwersytet KIEV)
dr Vivych Olena
dr Sadowska Edyta (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, oddział w Chorzowie)
dr Tryfonova Olena
Andromachi Giatrakou Special Educator Med (INCLUDE, Thessaloniki, Grecja)
Evaggelia Tsiomi Special Educator Med (INCLUDE, Thessaloniki, Grecja)
Panagiotou Georgia, Pedagogue Med (INCLUDE, Thessaloniki, Grecja)
Grabusińska Zuzanna - Dyrektor Ośrodka Pomocy Społecznej Dzielnicy Praga - Południe w Warszawie
Organizing Committee:
dr Joanna Lizut
dr Marek Kawa
mgr Adam Nyckowski
mgr Elżbieta Smolec